Hi all,
It’s been a while since the last post of iOS Databases Limit. Now, I’m doing an experiment about the geolocation on iPhone using Navigator – Geolocation on Google Maps.
This is just for your information about HTML5 navigator – GeoLocation. GeoLocation API is part of HTML5 library that can be used to define your device location.
getCurrentPosition(callback[, error[, opts]]) return: none; watchPositioin(callback[, error[, opts]]) return: watchID (long) clearWatch(watchID) return: none; /* callback -> triggered when success of getting position */ callback(position) return: none; position: { coords: { latitude: (double), longitude: (double), altitude: (double), accuracy: (double), altitudeAccuracy: (double), heading: (double), speed: (double) }, timestamp: (timestamp) }; /* callback -> triggered when error occur while getting position */ error(e) return: none; error { PERMISSION_DENIED: 1; POSITION_UNAVAILABLE: 2; TIMEOUT: 3; code: (enum); message: (string) }; /* Options */ opts: { enableHighAccuracy: (boolean), timeout: (long); long maximumAge: (long); };