Hi all, here i’m gonna write about, “how to build perfect webserver using virtualmin on CentOS”, i’m using Virtualmin for couple of year now, before, I only use Webmin as my server control panel.
This control panel is running under Linux and contain Apache Web Services, MySQL, PHP, PostFix for Email Services, Devecot for imap and pop services, SpamAssassin, ClamAV for Email AntiVirus.
At least you need to have Virtual Private or Dedicated Server. if you don’t have one, have a look at here, very cheap, and reliable Burst.net
minimum requirement:
CPU: 512 MHz
memory : 128mb (without SpamAssassin and ClamAV) / 512mb (with SpamAssassin and ClamAV)
memory: 768mb
What you need to configure a perfect webserver:
1. root access to your server / VPS.
2. download installation script from Virtualmin.
$wget http://software.virtualmin.com/gpl/scripts/install.sh
3. run the script using root.
$sh install.sh
4. follow the instructions.
5. restart your VPS (optional), to apply the Quota setting.
After restarting your server (optional):
1. using browser, go to “https://your_ip_address:10000”
2. login using root access.
3. follow the Virtualmin Configuration interface.
4. you need to add localhost or into you nameserver or DNS servers
Command line:
$vi /etc/resolv.conf #add this line nameserver
Using Webmin / Virtualmin :
– Webmin > Networking > Network Configuration > Hostname and DNS Client
– add to DNS servers
5. Re-Check your virtual configuration by:
Virtualmin > System Settings > Re-Check Configuration
6. Create one virtual server using the interface.
Finally you have your own web hosting server. You don’t need to spend days to setup your own web hosting server. I hope this tutorial will help you to set it up. if you have some questions, please poke me.
Tnx Mate nice post It was very useful to set up VPS using your steps. One problem I faced after running sh install.sh I mean step 3 and 4 I skipped the step 5 (which is optional) and tired to login to https://my_ip_address:10000 but It came up with : Error – Bad Request. Then I restarted my VPS and it worked.
cool man.. u r my hero… 😀