Hi all,
It’s been a while since the last post of iOS Databases Limit. Now, I’m doing an experiment about the geolocation on iPhone using Navigator – Geolocation on Google Maps.
This is just for your information about HTML5 navigator – GeoLocation. GeoLocation API is part of HTML5 library that can be used to define your device location.
getCurrentPosition(callback[, error[, opts]]) return: none; watchPositioin(callback[, error[, opts]]) return: watchID (long) clearWatch(watchID) return: none; /* callback -> triggered when success of getting position */ callback(position) return: none; position: { coords: { latitude: (double), longitude: (double), altitude: (double), accuracy: (double), altitudeAccuracy: (double), heading: (double), speed: (double) }, timestamp: (timestamp) }; /* callback -> triggered when error occur while getting position */ error(e) return: none; error { PERMISSION_DENIED: 1; POSITION_UNAVAILABLE: 2; TIMEOUT: 3; code: (enum); message: (string) }; /* Options */ opts: { enableHighAccuracy: (boolean), timeout: (long); long maximumAge: (long); };
For my GeoLocation app, this is my code (this is not finish yet, but working):
if(typeof(geoMap)=='undefined') var geoMap = {}; if(typeof(app)=='undefined') var app = { width: jQuery(window).width(), height: jQuery(window).height() }; (function(){ geoMap = { element: null, elementStatus:null, limit: 5, interval: 15, isPulling: false, watchID: null, watchIDOther: [], marker: null, markerSelected: null, markerOthers: [], posCurrent: null, posPin: null, posOthers: [], gmap: null, gmapOptions: { zoom: 18, mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP }, init: function(el){ var self = this; if(!self.element){ var $element if(el){ $element = jQuery(el); }else{ $element = jQuery('<div></div>'); $element.insertAfter(jQuery('.app').find('.header')); } $element.addClass('app-panel') .attr('id', 'webgenMap') .css({ // display:'none', width:app.width, height:app.height-40 }); self.element = $element[0]; var $elementStatus = jQuery('<div></div>'); $elementStatus.addClass('webgenMapStatus') .css({ width:app.width, height: 30, 'font-size': 8, position: 'absolute', bottom: 0, 'z-index':10 }).appendTo(document.body); self.elementStatus = $elementStatus[0]; } if(!self.gmap){ self.gmap = new google.maps.Map(self.element, self.gmapOptions); self.marker = new google.maps.Marker({ map:self.gmap, animation: google.maps.Animation.DROP }); self.attachEvent(self.marker,"YOU"); } self.initEvent(); }, attachEvent: function(marker,msg){ var self = this; var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: msg, size: new google.maps.Size(5,5) }); google.maps.event.addListener(marker,'click',function(e){ if(!marker.getAnimation()){ marker.setAnimation(google.maps.Animation.BOUNCE); }else{ marker.setAnimation(null); } infowindow.open(self.gmap,marker); }); }, initEvent: function(){ var self = this; if(navigator.geolocation){ navigator.geolocation.watchPosition(function(position){self.posWatch(position);}); } }, posWatch: function(position){ var self = this; var coords = position.coords; jQuery(self.elementStatus).text('Lat='+coords.latitude+';Lng='+coords.longitude+';Alt='+coords.altitude+';heading='+coords.heading); var latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(coords.latitude, coords.longitude); self.gmap.setCenter(latlng); self.marker.setPosition(latlng); } } })();
My script is quite big of definition, because I’m planning to save the position to database and make a historical of it. I remove the update function to shorten it (sorry for not putting all my code in).
HTML code:
<html> <head> <script src="jquery.js"> <script src="geomap.js"> <script> window.load = function(){ geoMap.init(jQuery('#map')[0]); } </script> </head> <body> <div id="map"></div> </body> </html>
from this app, I find out:
– The interval of HTML5 Geolocation is 1000ms, not really real time, and make the movement not smooth.
– The location some will not accurate if:
— Cloudy weather / rainy weather.
— Lot of high building.
— Signal receiving very low.
— Using built-in cellular position (triangle waves).
– heading feature is not working
– Altitude is not working perfectly
I’m going to try the native GeoLocation / Location Awareness under iOS tomorrow. Because that is the only hardware i have. :p (want to have a smooth movement on Map). I’ll post it after i get a simple code working, hopefully. 🙂
Hope this simple example will help somebody that looking for GeoLocation example, and don’t forget to POKE me it you have any question about this GeoLocation.
[…] that is the only change that i did. thanks for reading this. hope this will help somebody. if you want to look at my changes, here is it: (extended from my previous class GeoLocation) […]
Hi, Just thinking about it, is that any Unlimited data transfer on VPS if i’m not paying A LOT.
I know there is Unlimited data transfer, but only apply when we use DPS, also the Unlimited speed is not really fast. and we need to pay A LOT more.