Polygon And Google Map

June 25th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

Hi all,

Nice to see you all again here, still working with google map, almost done the google map project using phonegap, but i was facing a little bit problem about polygon. I want to draw polygon on-the-fly , not by passing the coordinate to google, but drawing polygon by mouse click to defined some area.

I have tried googling around to find some plugin, but couldn’t find any. I forget to tell you that I’m using Google Maps v3, not v2. Google has some plugin / library for Polygon drawing on version 2.

After some time, i decided to modified Polyline drawing plugin from snipplr.com.

what you need to do is to change the polyLine variable to Polygon definition:
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Geo Location

June 15th, 2011 § 2 comments § permalink

Hi all,

It’s been a while since the last post of iOS Databases Limit. Now, I’m doing an experiment about the geolocation on iPhone using Navigator – Geolocation on Google Maps.

This is just for your information about HTML5 navigator – GeoLocation. GeoLocation API is part of HTML5 library that can be used to define your device location.


getCurrentPosition(callback[, error[, opts]])
return: none;

watchPositioin(callback[, error[, opts]])
return: watchID (long)

return: none;

/* callback -> triggered when success of getting position */
return: none;
position: {
	coords:  {
		latitude: (double),
		longitude: (double),
		altitude: (double),
		accuracy: (double),
		altitudeAccuracy: (double),
		heading: (double),
		speed: (double)
	timestamp: (timestamp)

/* callback -> triggered when error occur while getting position */
return: none;
error {
	code: (enum);
	message: (string)

/* Options */
opts: {
	enableHighAccuracy: (boolean),
	timeout: (long);
	long maximumAge: (long);

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